Our Services

Foreign Domestic Worker Recruitment
Foreign Domestic Worker Recruitment
Foreign Domestic Worker Replacement
Foreign Domestic Worker Replacement
Foreign Domestic Worker Replacement
Foreign Domestic Worker Repatriation
MyWorkarz About Maid
MyWorkarz About Factory
MyWorkarz About Field

About Us

MyWorkarz is an online Business to Business (B2B) portal which connects source countries agencies and destination placement countries agencies. This network portal is used for recruitment, replacement and repatriation for foreign domestic workers in Malaysia. This portal is used as a platform that connects Employer, Malaysian Recruitment Agency, Indonesian Placement Agency , and Foreign Domestic Workers.

Through this portal, employers in Malaysia are able to hire workers who have required skills through trusted Malaysia Recruitment Agency and Indonesian Placement Agency which are registered under MyWorkarz. MyWorkarz also provides reliable and user-friendly platform which offers End to End service (comprehensive services) from the start: recruitment, replacement as well as repatriation of domestic workers. We are dedicated to ensure the recruitment process works smoothly as well as the well-being and protection of the domestic workers.

MyWorkarz supports and complies to all applicable regulations for every recruitment process stage, replacement and repatriation of the workers, including ensuring the regulations are being followed by the employers such as: assuring the family members are not exceeding the conditions or assuring the workers’ right to receive a day off . All approvals issued by MyWorkarz always based on Employment Contract endorsed by Indonesian government .


Equipping foreign domestic workers with knowledge of occupational health and safety regulations along with environmental protection.


Providing high-quality skills training for foreign domestic workers to improve their work productivity and personal growth.


Enabling foreign domestic workers to adapt in new living and working environments with basic cultural etiquette and legal knowledge.

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