Privacy Policy

Dear MyWorkarz Customers/Users,

Thank you for your continuous support. As you are aware, Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA 2010) that was passed in 2010 came into force on 15 November 2013. In our effort to ensure compliance to the said Act, we wish to draw your attention to MyWorkarz’s Privacy Policy as follows:

1. What Personal Information Do We Collect?

If you choose to transact with MyWorkarz Portal for subscription of any services or use of MyWorkarz Portal, you shall be asked to provide your personal information such as and may not be limited to name, identification card number, mailing address, phone number(s), email address(es), contact preferences.

Where you intend to use MyWorkarz Portal for the purposes of making transactions involving online payments, your credit card information may also be collected for the purpose of processing your payments.

You shall also be required to explicitly provide your consent to the provision of your personal information aforementioned in the form and manner as indicated in the registration process, failing which you will not be able to subscribe for the products and/or services or register for the use of MyWorkarz Portal.

2. How We Use Your Personal Information

Your personal information will be used or processed for the following purposes:

By submitting your information to MyWorkarz, you hereby consent and authorise MyWorkarz to process and verify any information about you from any third party, especially credit bureau or credit reference agencies, which MyWorkarz may require in connection with your application for any of MyWorkarz’s services and/or review of the existing account with MyWorkarz. Such consent and authorization will extend to any information obtained from any of the account(s) presently maintained for you, any new application for any form of services rendered or products provided by MyWorkarz, such historical financial or credit records, data or information whether or not provided personally or by any other sources relating to you which was collected, received, captured, compiled, secured and/or obtained by MyWorkarz through or by whatever means or methods or forms.

3. Disclosure of Your Personal Information

If you choose to register and transact with MyWorkarz, your personal information may be shared where necessary and only on a need-to-know basis with other MyWorkarz subsidiary, agencies or authory(ies) so as to serve you in the most efficient and effective manner. An example might be in terms of resolving or addressing complaints that require escalation to other MyWorkarz subsidiary or agencies.

MyWorkarz may disclose your personal information to the following parties for the purposes stated above:

Your personal information will not be disclosed to any unauthorized third party. You may opt-out from having your registered telephone number be made available by contacting us at [email protected]. Your personal information may be disclosed due to reasons of law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and any disclosure will be to such public only. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that disclosure is necessary or appropriate for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance. If you would like to request access or correction of your personal information or where you elect to limit MyWorkarz’s right to process your personal information, you may contact us via the email provided above. Any request of access to correct personal information may be subjected to a fee and also to applicable provisions in the PDPA 2010. However, we reserve the right to decline requests which jeopardize the security and privacy of the personal information of others as well as requests which are impractical or not made in good faith.

We may review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in the law, changes in our business practices, procedures and structure, and the community’s changing privacy expectations.

The latest version of the Privacy Policy will be made available on MyWorkarz Portal.

4. Queries or Complaints

If you have any queries or complaints about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us via email at [email protected].

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